The art of styling <li> elements compared to <a> elements

While these inquiries may lean towards being subjective, I am interested in learning about the industry's generally accepted best practices:

1) With responsive design and collapsible menus becoming more common, should a nav or nav menu element be styled with a fixed height?

2) When styling the nav, is it preferable to style the li or the a surrounding the link? Or is this simply a matter of personal preference?

Answer №1

Here's my take on the question that leans towards personal preference:

1) With the advancements in responsive design and collapsing menus, should a fixed height be applied to the nav or nav menu element?

In my opinion, why not? Even Google incorporates a toolbar with fixed heights (64px in large screens, 56px in smaller screens) in their Material Design.

2) When styling the navigation, is it more beneficial to style the li elements or the anchor tags around the links, or is it simply up to personal choice?

This aspect tends to vary based on individual preferences. For example, Bootstrap tends to prioritize styling a tags over li elements according to their documentation, while Material Design Lite opts for not utilizing anchor tags at all as shown in their components guide.

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