The application of border-collapse in CSS is ineffective

I'm currently facing an issue with my inner table displaying borders.

Within the provided HTML, specifically for the table

<table class="billing_history" id="billing_history0" >
, I am attempting to have only top and bottom borders for the rows but haven't been successful. It seems that many border properties are not applying to the table. Despite trying to set border-collapse: collapse; in the CSS, it doesn't seem to affect the inner table. However, directly setting the style tag within the table itself (e.g.,
style="border-collapse: collapse;"
) does work. This raises the question why border-collapse: collapse; in the CSS isn't applying to the inner table while other properties like font-size: 11px; do apply.

If anyone has any insights or suggestions, please share them! The HTML and CSS code snippets are detailed below...

Here is the HTML:

<table id="bill-list">
            ... (omitted for brevity) ...

And the accompanying CSS:

    ... (CSS details omitted) ...

    ... (more CSS details omitted) ...
... (additional CSS rules omitted) ...

Answer №1

What if we try enabling border collapse for

#bill-list #bill table

The effect of border-collapse is limited to the table element, not the td element as per the information from Mozilla documentation.

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