The AngularJS dropdown menu is refusing to expand

I have created a dropdown select menu using AngularJS's ng-options. The selection and submission processes are functioning correctly. However, as shown in the image, the dropdown menu does not collapse as intended; it displays all options at once. Here is the code for the select menu:

<label>Role Type: 
    <select ng-options="role for role in roles" ng-model="Role_Type" size = "10">
        <option value="">-- Select Type --</option>

Within my controller, the following code is implemented:

$scope.roles = ['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four'];

Answer №1

Figuring out ng-options can be a bit tricky at first, so it's understandable if you find yourself on the wrong path. The issue here is that you're currently displaying 10 items from the select all at once.

To solve this problem, simply remove the following line: size = "10"

For more information, take a look at

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