The alignment of margins appears as intended in Opera, Chrome, and IE, but unfortunately it does not

I have exhausted all possible options, but I am still struggling to get this page to appear correctly in Firefox. When you click inside the square, a menu with images should display on the right side. It is properly aligned in every browser except for Firefox. I have made adjustments to the CSS, but unfortunately, I have not found a solution.

If I eliminate the width property from #acabados_main .image_carousel in the stylesheet, all browsers show consistent margins, although they are not aligned. However, as soon as I assign a width, Firefox is the only one that displays that section differently.

Could someone please review and assist me in identifying what may be causing this issue?

Answer №1

experiment with including float: left; within the .general element

#features_main .picture_gallery .general {
    float: left;
    position: relative;

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