Is there anyone who can help figure out why the tabs are not functioning as expected? The goal is for the tabs to change the input field placeholder and perform a search based on the active tab.
If you're able to assist, please review my complete code on this fiddle:
<script type="text/javascript">
function searchEncore() {
var encoreBaseURLInput, encoreBaseURL, searchInput, scopeInput, searchString, scopeString, locationHref, charRegExString, base64Regex;
/*base64_encoding_map includes special characters that need to be
encoded using base64 - these chars are "=","/", "\", "?"
character : base64 encoded */
var base64_encoding_map = {
"=": "PQ==",
"/": "Lw==",
"\\": "XA==",
"?": "Pw=="
var escapeRegExp = function(string) {
return string.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
encoreBaseURLInput = document.getElementById("encoreBase");
searchInput = document.getElementById("encoreSearchInput");
if (searchInput && encoreBaseURLInput) {
encoreBaseURL = encoreBaseURLInput.value;
searchString = searchInput.value;
for (var specialChar in base64_encoding_map) {
charRegExString = escapeRegExp(specialChar);
base64Regex = new RegExp(charRegExString, "g");
searchString = searchString.replace(base64Regex, base64_encoding_map[specialChar])
searchString = encodeURIComponent(searchString);
scopeInput = document.getElementById('encoreSearchLocation');
if (scopeInput) {
scopeString = scopeInput.value;
if (scopeString) {
scopeString = encodeURIComponent(scopeString);
locationHref = encoreBaseURL + "C__S" + searchString + scopeString + "__Orightresult__U";
} else {
locationHref = encoreBaseURL + "C__S" + searchString + "__Orightresult__U";
languageSetting = document.getElementById("encoreLanguage");
if (languageSetting) {
locationHref = locationHref + "?lang=" + languageSetting.value;
window.location.href = locationHref;
return false;