Text Box: Add a touch of flair with resizing

One interesting feature on my webpage is a textarea that can be resized using resize:both;

I am looking for a way to apply a specific style to this textarea only when the user resizes it. While I would prefer to achieve this with CSS alone, it seems like there isn't a pseudo-selector or method that would allow me to do so. Is my assumption correct?

If not, is there an event in jQuery that I could utilize for this purpose?

Additionally, what would be the most effective approach to reset the textarea to its original size? Would using jQuery once again be the best option?

Your insights and recommendations are greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you want to create a custom resize event for a textarea without using any other library, you can follow this example:

Check out the DEMO on jsFiddle

    mousedown: function(){
        $(this).data('size', $(this).width + '*' + $(this).height());
    mouseup: function(){
        if($(this).data('size') !=  $(this).width + '*' + $(this).height())
    resize: function(){
        console.log('The textarea has been resized!');

Answer №2

To enable resizing functionality for a textarea, you will first need to make it resizable using jQuery UI's resizable() method and then trigger the resize event.

Styling with CSS

.resizing {
    background: #f2f2f2;
    border: 1px solid #4cf;

Implementation in JavaScript

$("textarea").resizable({ // Apply resizing behavior and handle related events
    resize: function() {
        $(this).addClass('resizing'); // Add styling during resize
    stop: function() {
        $(this).removeClass('resizing'); // Remove styling after resizing completes

Check out this DEMO for a live example.

Answer №3

Give this a shot...

    drag: function() {


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