troubleshoot clientWidth not updating when CSS changes are made

Summary: When I adjust the size of a DOM element using CSS, its directive fails to acknowledge this change even with a watch on the size.


I have multiple custom directives (simple-graph) each containing an svg. My goal is to enlarge the one under the mouse cursor. Here's what I've tried:

1) Styling with CSS

simple-graph       {height: 100px;}
simple-graph:hover {height: 200px;}

(The styling part is functioning correctly.)

2) HTML Markup

<simple-graph ng-repeat="data in datasets" sg-rst="data"></simple-graph>

3) Creating the Directive

angular.module('myApp').directive('simpleGraph', function () {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {rst: '=sgRst'},
    link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
      //Add an svg element to el[0], perform initialization, etc. (details omitted)
      //Also, $watch rst to update graph when data changes. (details omitted)

      //Watch size of simple-graph 
        return el[0].clientWidth + el[0].clientHeight;
      }, updateSize);

      function updateSize() {
        //update size of svg element, utilizing el[0].clientHeight and .clientWidth (details omitted).

Issue / Inquiry

The resizing of the simple-graph due to the height adjustment in the CSS file does not trigger the scope.$watch in the directive. Question: Is there a way to manually force it to trigger??

Current Solution

  1. To the attributes of the simple-graph element in the HTML, I included
    sg-hover="hover" ng-mouseenter="hover=true" ng-mouseleave="hover=false"
    , which toggles the value of the attribute sg-hover, and
  2. This change is then passed into the directive by updating its scope property to
    scope: {rst: '=sgRst', hover: '=sgHover'}
    , and
  3. I ensure this toggle is detected by adding a
    scope.$watch('hover', updateSize)

This approach works well and indicates that the updateSize function functions as intended. However, it feels unnecessarily complex, and I believe there must be a more efficient method. So, once again, my question: Can I manually trigger the $watch function when the element client size changes via CSS?

Thank you!

Answer №1

After reviewing the question, it appears that achieving your desired outcome with pure CSS may not be feasible (at least not through a straightforward method).

One potential solution is to modify your directive in order to reduce redundancy. Consider implementing something along these lines:

return {
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {rst: '=sgRst'},
    replace: true,
    template: "<div ng-mouseover='hover=true' ng-mouseout:'hover=false' class='simple-graph' ng-class='{hover: hover}'><svg></svg></div>",
    link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
      //locate or create the svg element within el[0], perform necessary initializations, etc. (specifics omitted)
      //$watch rst for updates when data changes (details not provided)

      //Monitor size changes of simple-graph 
      scope.$watch('hover', updateSize);

      function updateSize() {
        //Adjust dimensions of the svg element based on el[0].clientHeight and .clientWidth (steps not shown).

Subsequently, revise your CSS as follows:

.simple-graph .hover {
  height: 200px;

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