Techniques for retrieving elements from HTML using jQuery

I'm developing a feature that allows users to add videos to playlists by clicking on a link in a popover. The challenge I'm facing is extracting the video_id and the selected playlist when the user interacts with the popover. Any tips on how to achieve this?

    <script type="text/javascript">
   $(document).ready(function() {
                 data: {
                        'video_add': $('#add').val(), // get video_id
                        'playlist_selected': $('#').val() // get chosen playlist
                 success: function(){


            return false;


<div id = 'muncher'>
    <div id = 'add'>12345</div>
    <a href = "#" id="munch" rel="popover" data-html="true" data-placement="right"  data-content= "<a href= '#'>Favorites</a><br>

                <a href = '#' class = 'Funny'>Funny</a><br>

                <a href = '#' class = 'test'>test</a><br>

                <a href = '#' class = 'test1'>test1</a><br>                     

    " data-original-title="Add to your plate">

Answer №1

I'm a little bit confused about your specific goal. Are you trying to make each video a child of a playlist? If so, consider passing as a parameter in the onClick event..."toPlaylist("

function toPlaylist(clicked) {
  var tempVideo = clicked;
  // To get the parent node ID, use this...
  var tempList = $(clicked);
  // Perform additional actions...
  nextAction(tempVideo, tempList);

PS: You might need to adjust the variable value like this

var tempVideo = '#'+clicked;    

...but I'm not entirely certain about the variables.

I hope this explanation was useful.

Answer №2

One possible solution is to utilize the jquery data attribute to store the ID within the A tag.

Alternatively, you can access the previous sibling, which would be the DIV tag above the A tag that was clicked and then use .text() to retrieve its value.

It's crucial to avoid having multiple elements with the same ID like in your case of many items with ID="ADD". This may require modifying your code from:



 $('#add', $(this)).text(), 

Answer №3

When working with an HTML document, you can utilize the .html() function to extract the contents of any element. For more information, check out this link and give it a shot:


Daveo is absolutely right; it's crucial to ensure that the IDs of your divs are unique. One approach to achieve this is by incorporating the playlist ID alongside 'add,' such as id="add_12345"

Instead of utilizing a .click jQuery method, consider implementing an onclick inline within each of your add_[id variable] divs:

<div id="add_12345" onclick="addClick(this);">

The JavaScript function to retrieve the ID:

function addClick(element) {
    id ="_") + 1);
    //Your AJAX post code would go here

There exist various ways to handle what you intend to accomplish. For further insights on this topic, refer to this insightful stackoverflow Q&A page: Getting the ID of the element that fired an event

It's advisable to adjust your markup, as nested links are considered illegal

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