Tailwind (version 2) Experiencing Unresponsive Width Changes

I am currently working on fitting a series of elements into a panel, organizing them in rows of three. Here is how I have it set up:


These elements are supposed to adjust their size based on the screen width. Even though the parent element has a class of flex and the child elements have classes of flex-grow, they are not resizing according to the screen width and I can't seem to figure out why. Below is my code snippet:

       <div className="flex">
           <className="flex flex-grow items-center justify-center w-20 h-8 mx-1 rounded-md border border-black-16 font-medium"/>
           <className="flex flex-grow items-center justify-center w-20 h-8 mx-1 rounded-md border border-black-16 font-medium"/>
           <className="flex flex-grow items-center justify-center w-20 h-8 mx-1 rounded-md border border-black-16 font-medium"/>

Answer №1

Utilize width-full in the root element or width-8/12 if full width is not desired, as it will adjust according to screen size

I have provided two examples using flex and grid layouts, which may be helpful for you to understand better.

If you want to experiment, you can also check out this resource on tailwind play

<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>

<h2 class="font-semibold mx-auto w-full text-center p-3 capitalize border-b">with flex</h2>
<div class="w-full mx-auto flex flex-wrap text-center">
    <div class="each-wrap w-4/12">
        <div class="each m-4 p-3 rounded-md border hover:bg-gray-200 cursor-pointer shadow-md border-gray-300">each</div>
    <div class="each-wrap w-4/12">
        <div class="each m-4 p-3 rounded-md border hover:bg-gray-200 cursor-pointer shadow-md border-gray-300">each</div>
    <div class="each-wrap w-4/12">
        <div class="each m-4 p-3 rounded-md border hover:bg-gray-200 cursor-pointer shadow-md border-gray-300">each</div>

<h2 class="font-semibold mx-auto w-full text-center p-3 capitalize border-b">with grid</h2>
<div class="grid grid-cols-3 text-center">
    <div class="each cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-200 border p-3 rounded-md border-gray-300 shadow-md m-5">each</div>
    <div class="each cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-200 border p-3 rounded-md border-gray-300 shadow-md m-5">each</div>
    <div class="each cursor-pointer hover-bg-gray-200 border p-3 rounded-md border-gray-300 shadow-md m-5">each</div>

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