Tailwind CSS not applying styles to my Next.js project on Ubuntu operating system

I'm experiencing a strange issue where Tailwind CSS is not applying any styles to my project on Ubuntu 20.04.

Interestingly, the project works perfectly fine on Windows but for some reason, it's not styling at all on Ubuntu.


  1. It seems like I have checked everything such as globals.css https://i.sstatic.net/ajtxj.png

  2. Also _app.js https://i.sstatic.net/1rvS8.png

  3. Lastly tailwind.config.js https://i.sstatic.net/UWi14.png

P.S. It's worth mentioning that all other Tailwind projects are working perfectly fine in Ubuntu (i.e., new Tailwind projects have no issues).

Answer №1

The issue stemmed from an error in the Components folder. It was initialized with a capital 'C' when it should have been lowercase.

Windows does not differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters, which is why the problem was not evident on that operating system. However, Linux is case-sensitive, causing the component to malfunction.

For further information, please refer to this specific problem on github

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