The concept of long division has been a traditional method for teaching arithmetic in many school settings. It is often used to visually explain the steps of integer division. Representing long division using HTML and CSS is challenging without resorting to images, either large ones showing the entire process or smaller ones displaying individual components like numbers and operators. Websites like use this method. Others, such as, rely on preformatted text and basic ASCII symbols, resulting in a less visually appealing and non-accessible display.
If you choose to use an image, be sure to provide descriptive alt text that conveys the relevant information. This description may need to be somewhat lengthy, such as
alt="long division with divisor 4, dividend 84"
Constructing intricate mathematical expressions like long divisions solely with HTML and CSS can be quite difficult due to their inherent limitations in representing two-dimensional notation. Even something relatively simpler, like displaying a square root expression neatly, can pose challenges. While Unicode character U+27CC LONG DIVISION theoretically allows for textual representation of long division, practical implementation faces obstacles including font support issues and software limitations. Browsers struggle to render complex long division expressions accurately, particularly when extending over multiple digits or numbers.