Utilizing jquery for displaying and hiding notifications - Notyfy in action

Recently, I've started working with jQuery and have come across the useful Notyfy jQuery plugin. My goal is to display a notification bar with specific messages based on certain conditions such as success or error.

I'm trying to achieve something like the following code snippet. Can someone help me correct it so that I can effectively integrate this library?

var notyfySuccess = notyfy({text: 'successfully deleted'});
var notyfyError = notyfy({text: 'something's wrong'});
    if (true){
         notyfySuccess.show('success bar');
         notyfyError.show('error bar');

Answer №1

When using TRUE in an if() statement, the else script will not be executed (but I assume you already knew that). Upon reviewing the plugin Documentation, it appears that there is no need to explicitly instantiate notify-success and notify-error; instead, simply define them (BE CAREFUL as using the character - within a variable name may not be ideal, consider using _), and then instantiate them inside the "if" statement:

var _delete = true; // value returned from an action indicating deletion, set to  "false" and try
notify_success, notify_error;
    if (_delete){
         notify_success = notify({text: 'successfully deleted'});
    } else {
         notify_error = notify({text: 'something went wrong'});

Upon document ready, the notify_success notification will display. If you change _delete to false, then notify_error will be shown instead of notify_success.


Oh my... my English is quite poor... I apologize for any confusion. Hopefully, you were able to understand me despite my shortcomings.

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