switching the image source by selecting different options from a dropdown menu and leveraging JavaScript

I have been attempting to change the src of an image using JavaScript's addEventListener, but for some reason it is not working. Here is an example to illustrate my issue:

let bulbImage = $.querySelector(".bulb-image");

let turnOnOption = $.querySelector(".bulb-on");
let trunOffOption = $.querySelector(".bulb-off");

turnOnOption.addEventListener("click" , turnOnFunction);

function turnOnFunction () {
    bulbImage.setAttribute("src" , "./images/bulbon.gif");

trunOffOption.addEventListener("click" , turnOffFunction);

function turnOffFunction () {
    bulbImage.setAttribute("src" , "./images/bulboff.gif");

Just to clarify, I am not using any framework in this small project and the code is quite simple and straightforward so there should be no bugs.

The HTML code is as follows:

<img src="./images/bulboff.gif" class="bulb-image" alt="bulboff">
<select class="selectbox">
  <option value="Turn ON" class="bulb-on">Turn ON</option>
  <option value="Turn OFF" class="bulb-off">Turn OFF</option>

Answer â„–1

function changeImg() {
  if (document.getElementById("select_id").value === 'Turn ON') {
    document.getElementsByClassName("bulb-image")[0].src = "https://images.com/on";
  } else {
    document.getElementsByClassName("bulb-image")[0].src = "https://images.com/off";
select {
  border: none;
  margin: 20px 0;
  padding: 10px;
  cursor: pointer;

img {
  display: block
<select class="selectbox" onchange="changeImg()" id="select_id">
  <option value="Turn ON" class="bulb-on">Turn ON</option>
  <option value="Turn OFF" class="bulb-off">Turn OFF</option>
<img src="https://images.com/on" class="bulb-image" alt="bulboff">

Answer â„–2

To change the image when a select option is chosen, you can utilize the change event and select elements values.

<img src="./images/bulboff.gif" class="bulb-image" alt="bulboff">
<select class="selectbox">
  <option value="Turn ON" >Turn ON</option>
  <option value="Turn OFF">Turn OFF</option>
  bulbImage  = document.querySelector('.bulb-image')
, turnOption =  document.querySelector('.selectbox')
turnOption.addEventListener( 'change', function()
  if ( turnOption.value === 'Turn ON' ) bulbImage.src = './images/bulbon.gif';
  if ( turnOption.value === 'Turn OFF' ) bulbImage.src = './images/bulboff.gif';

You have another option to achieve this using a JavaScript object:

  bulbImage  = document.querySelector('#bulb-image')
, turnOption = document.querySelector('#select_id')
, imgSrc =
  { 'Turn ON'  : 'https://picsum.photos/id/1/200'
  , 'Turn OFF' : 'https://picsum.photos/id/2/200'
turnOption.onchange = e =>
  bulbImage.src = imgSrc[ turnOption.value ];
select {
  border  : none;
  margin  : 1em 0;
  padding : .4em;
  cursor  : pointer;
img {
  display : block;
<select class="selectbox" id="select_id">
  <option value="Turn ON"  selected > Turn ON  </option>
  <option value="Turn OFF"          > Turn OFF </option>
<img src="https://picsum.photos/id/1/200" id="bulb-image" alt="bulbOnOff">

Answer â„–3

<button onclick="document.getElementById('lamp').src='light_on.gif'">Activate the light</button>

<img id="lamp" src="light_off.gif" style="width:100px">

<button onclick="document.getElementById('lamp').src='light_off.gif'">Deactivate the light</button>

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