Switching Present Tab in Rails

Within my application, I have a set of tabs displayed at the top thanks to a general layout in application.html.erb. Here's how they are structured:

<li class="current"><%= link_to "Home", provider_path(current_user.id), :method=> "GET"%> </li>
            <li><%= link_to "Edit Profile", edit_student_path(current_user.id) %> </li>
            <li><%= link_to "Search", provider_search_path %> </li>

My goal is to dynamically switch the selected tab to the "current" state when its respective page is accessed. So if I click on Edit Profile and land on that page, the tabs should now look like this:

<li><%= link_to "Home", provider_path(current_user.id), :method=> "GET"%> </li>
 <li class="current"><%= link_to "Edit Profile", edit_student_path(current_user.id) %> </li>
  <li><%= link_to "Search", provider_search_path %> </li>

I'm interested in achieving this without resorting to adding JavaScript directly to each displayed page. If there's an alternative approach, what would be the best practice for implementing it in the most efficient way possible?

Appreciate any insight.

Answer №1

To determine the current controller and action, you can use the controller.class == and controller.action_name == methods.

Here is an example:

<li class="<%= controller.class == ProviderController and controller.action_name == 'show' ? 'current' : '' %>"><%= link_to "Home", provider_path(current_user.id), :method=> "GET"%> </li>
<li class="<%= controller.class == StudentController and controller.action_name == 'edit' ? 'current' : '' %>"><%= link_to "Edit Profile", edit_student_path(current_user.id) %> </li>
<li class="<%= controller.class == ProviderController and controller.action_name == 'search' ? 'current' : '' %>"><%= link_to "Search", provider_search_path %> </li>

Although there are other methods to retrieve the current URL of the page, relying on the actions taken within the view ensures accurate styling based on actual user interaction, rather than just the URL in the address bar.

Answer №2

If you want to implement this functionality, consider using the following code snippet:

<li class="<%= controller.controller_path == 'provider' ? 'current' : '' %>"><%= link_to "Home", provider_path(current_user.id), :method=> "GET"%> </li>
<li class="<%= controller.controller_path == 'student' ? 'current' : '' %>"><%= link_to "Edit Profile", edit_student_path(current_user.id) %> </li>
<li class="<%= controller.controller_path == 'search' ? 'current' : '' %>"><%= link_to "Search", provider_search_path %> </li>

Make sure to determine the controller being accessed to control the behavior accordingly.

Answer №3

Check out the tutorial on TabsOnRails

Answer №4

Here's a simple solution:

<%= current_page?(:controller => 'your_controller', :action => 'index') ? 'current' : '' %>

Answer №5

I've created a versatile helper function for handling multiple arguments, making it ideal for nested resources. However, it can also handle a single controller name just like the other solutions.


 def determine_active_state(*links)  
   links.each { |link| return "active" if params[:controller] == link }


<li class="<%=determine_active_state('home')%>">...</li>


Here is an example using HAML with nested resources (will be active for any of the provided controller names):


%li{:class => determine_active_state('blogs', 'comments')}

Answer №6

One possible approach is to pass @current_tab back to the erb from the controller methods when switching pages. This variable can then be used to determine which li element should have the "current" class applied. Another option is to assign a unique attribute or ID to each li element and use your preferred JavaScript framework to dynamically change the classes based on user interaction.

Answer №7

While I can't guarantee that this is the absolute best approach, I'm fearless enough to share my solution with you :)

Here are a few sample menu links extracted from my design:

<li class="nav-calendar"><%= menu_link_to 'teachers', 'show_date', 'Calendar', calendar_url  %></li>
<li class="nav-announcements"><%= menu_link_to 'announcements', nil, 'Announcements', announcements_path %></li>

Next, I devised this handy helper function:

def menu_link_to(*args, &block)
  controller = args.shift
  action = args.shift

  if controller == controller_name && (action.nil? || action == action_name)
    if args.third.nil?
      args.push({:class => 'selected'})
      args.third.merge!({:class => 'selected'})

  link_to *args, &block

Answer №8

After some tinkering in the application helper, I managed to get it working smoothly:

def check_current_page(path)
  "active" if current_page?(path)

To implement this, simply use the following code snippet:

<li class="<%= check_current_page(root_path)%>"> <%= link_to "Home", root_path %></li>

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