Switching images upon hovering in AngularJS

Looking to change images on hover in my Angular app, encountered site peculiarities making CSS solution impractical.

Resorted to using ng-mouseenter and ng-mouseleave for image swapping instead.


img.share-button(src='images/btn_share.png', ng-click='dropdownShareIcons()')
                img.share-icon-top(src='{{ shareIcons[0].orig }}', data-id='0', ng-mouseenter='colorizeIcons($event)', ng-mouseleave='decolorizeIcons($event)')
                img.share-icon-top(src='{{ shareIcons[1].orig }}', data-id='1', ng-mouseenter='colorizeIcons($event)', ng-mouseleave='decolorizeIcons($event)')
                img.share-icon-top(src='{{ shareIcons[2].orig }}', data-id='2', ng-mouseenter='colorizeIcons($event)', ng-mouseleave='decolorizeIcons($event)')

In the controller, an object with image paths and functions to switch them on hover is implemented.


$scope.shareIcons = [
        {orig: 'images/follow_weibo_grey.png', hover: 'images/follow_weibo_colored.png'},
        {orig: 'images/follow_wechat_grey.png', hover: 'images/follow_wechat_colored.png'},
        {orig: 'images/follow_youku_grey.png', hover: 'images/follow_youku_colored.png'},

    $scope.colorizeIcons = function($event) {
        $event.target.src = $scope.shareIcons[$event.target.dataset.id].hover;

    $scope.decolorizeIcons = function($event) {
        $event.target.src = $scope.shareIcons[$event.target.dataset.id].orig;

Performance slowdown observed on production server during image switching. Seeking solutions within Angular or alternative hacks to optimize speed. Avoiding CSS rewrite preferred.

Appreciate any help provided.

Answer №1

Hey there, I faced a similar issue before and the solution that worked for me was preloading the images. It made a significant difference. Consider adding a small piece of JavaScript code to load the images asynchronously at the start of your page. Here's an example:

var imgs = new Array();
function preloadImgs() {
  for (let j = 0; j < preloadImgs.arguments.length; j++) {
    imgs[j] = new Image();
    imgs[j].src = preloadImgs.arguments[j];

Answer №2

One way to potentially improve loading times is by optimizing the sizes of PNG images on your website. There are various batch optimization tools available for this task, and you can find a helpful blog post comparing some of them here: http://www.example.com/best-image-optimization-tools/
It might be worth experimenting with optimizing a few images to see if it makes a noticeable difference in performance.

Best of luck!

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