Switching between images with a simple click in various locations

I'm currently working on implementing an accordion feature where I am using custom arrow icons (pngs) as the toggle buttons. The idea is that when you click on the red down arrow, it changes to a blue up arrow to collapse the section, and vice versa.

Although I managed to make it work with the code below, I encountered an issue when trying to apply the same functionality to multiple accordions using the same arrow icons. Despite modifying the IDs and updating the JavaScript accordingly, only the first accordion seems to toggle properly.

Is there anyone who can assist me in achieving this desired behavior across all sets of images?


<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/accordion-open.png" alt="accordion icon" id="accordion" onclick="change();"></div>


var image_tracker = 'open';

function change(){
 var image = document.getElementById('accordion');

Answer №1

When assigning a listener by ID, keep in mind that it will only affect the first instance. Consider using a class name instead for broader impact.

    <img class="accordion_icon" src="/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/accordion-open.png" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var open_src = "/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/accordion-open.png";
        var close_src = "/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/accordion-close.png";
        let accordion_icons = document.getElementsByClassName('accordion_icon'); // retrieving all icon img tags
        for (let i = 0; i < accordion_icons.length; i++) {
            const element = accordion_icons[i];
            element.addEventListener('click',(event)=>{ // adding listener to each one
                console.log('Current src: ', event.currentTarget.src);
                event.currentTarget.src = (event.currentTarget.src == open_src ? close_src : open_src) // toggling between image sources
                console.log('Src now: ', event.currentTarget.src);

Answer №2

If you prefer to maintain the event handler in the HTML, another option is to use this method:

<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/accordion-open.png" alt="accordion icon" id="accordion" onclick="change(this);"></div>

Here is how you can implement it in JavaScript:

function change(image){
  image.src = image.src.endsWith("open.png")
           ? image.src.replace(/open\.png$/, "close.png")
           : image.src.replace(/close\.png$/, "open.png");

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