Switching between a secondary menu using ClassieJS or jQuery?

Currently, the code is configured to toggle the same menu for every icon.

To see my current progress, you can check out this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/2Lyttauv/

My goal is to have a unique menu for each individual icon.

I began by creating the following HTML:

<nav class="slider-menu slider-menu-vertical slider-menu-left" id="slider-menu-s1">
     <a href="#"><span class="icon-flag"></span>Item 1</a>
     <a href="#"><span class="icon-flag"></span>Item 2</a>
            <a href="#"><span class="icon-flag"></span>Item 3</a>
            <a href="#"><span class="icon-flag"></span>Item 4</a>
            <a href="#"><span class="icon-flag"></span>Item 5</a>
      <a href="#"><span class="icon-flag"></span>Item 6</a>
      <a href="#"><span class="icon-flag"></span>Item 7</a>

Next, I want to add a second menu to


the second icon in the sidebar

I attempted creating a second menu using identical HTML as above but with a different id="slider-menu-s1 and tried implementing a separate function, however, it did not seem to work.

If anyone could offer assistance or guide me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

I would like to share something I worked on recently.

<nav class="slider-menu slider-menu-vertical slider-menu-left" id="slider-menu-s2">
    <h3>Exploring a New Menu</h3>
    <a href="#"><span class="icon-flag"></span>Item 1</a>

In my code, you will find an ID assigned as slider-menu-s2, which is utilized in the toggle function for navItemClick.

        var newMenu = document.getElementById( 'slider-menu-s2' );

        navItem2.onclick = function() {
            classie.toggle( this, 'active' );
            classie.removeClass( menuLeft, 'slider-menu-open' ); //removing other menu
            classie.toggle( newMenu, 'slider-menu-open' );
            disableOther( 'navItem2' );

I hope this provides clarity on the matter.

You can also view the implementation on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/2Lyttauv/20/

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