Switching back and forth between classes prevents the animation from playing continuously, causing it to jump straight to the end

Currently, I am in the process of animating a hamburger menu with a unique twist. The idea is to have the top and bottom lines smoothly translate to the middle and then elegantly rotate into an X shape when clicked. My approach involves toggling between two classes, namely menu-open and menu-closed using jQuery. However, I encountered a peculiar issue. When I removed the CSS for the menu-closed animation, everything worked perfectly. Yet, upon adding back the CSS, the animations seemed to skip directly to the final frame without fully executing.


.navbar .mobile-menu.menu-open .line::before {
        animation: menu-open-top 250ms linear forwards;

    .navbar .mobile-menu.menu-open .line {
        animation: menu-middle 250ms linear forwards;

    .navbar .mobile-menu.menu-open .line::after {
        animation: menu-open-bottom 250ms linear forwards;

    .navbar .mobile-menu.menu-closed .line::before {
        animation: menu-open-top 250ms linear reverse;

    .navbar .mobile-menu.menu-closed .line {
        animation: menu-middle 250ms linear reverse;

    .navbar .mobile-menu.menu-closed .line::after {
        animation: menu-open-bottom 250ms linear reverse;


@keyframes menu-open-top {
    30% {
        bottom: 0;
    60% {
        bottom: 0;
        transform: rotate(0) translate(0);
    100% {
        transform: rotate(45deg) translate(5px, 5px);
        visibility: visible;

@keyframes menu-middle {
    40% {
        visibility: hidden;
    to {
        visibility: hidden;

@keyframes menu-open-bottom {
    30% {
        top: 0;
    60% {
        top: 0;
        transform: rotate(0) translate(0);
    100% {
        transform: rotate(-45deg) translate(6px, -6px);
        visibility: visible;



function expandMenu() {
    $(this).toggleClass("menu-open menu-closed");

I can't seem to figure out what's missing. It feels like there may be a need to introduce new keyframes for the reverse animation, but that could possibly be unnecessary.

Edit: To provide more context, here is the accompanying HTML code:


<div class="mobile-menu menu-closed">
  <div class="line"></div>

Answer №1

If you're looking to achieve a simple animation with precise timing, consider making changes to prop values. While @keyframe animations are an option, they can be trickier to control and synchronize, especially in cases like this where it's essentially a two-step animation.

To toggle the menu when clicking on a mobile menu button, you can use the following JavaScript code snippet:

document.querySelector('.mobile-menu').addEventListener('click', ({
}) => {

For those who prefer SCSS, here's a link to view the same functionality implemented in SCSS: https://jsfiddle.net/websiter/dybre2f9/. I've utilized CSS variables for easy customization and reusability. Feel free to adjust the values according to your preferences.

It's worth noting that the choice of using bottom and top properties for animating instead of translateY was intentional. This approach allows for independent movement animations, enabling experimentation with various overlapping values and timing functions. The slight overlap between rotation and movement adds a touch of organic fluidity to the animation, giving the impression that the button is dynamically responding to the interaction. It's all about infusing some liveliness into the design!

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