Angularjs directive retrieves infowindow DOM element from Google Maps

In order to apply some style fixes to the Infowindow, I am trying to select the element with the class 'gm-style-iw'. This selection process is taking place within an angularjs directive.

<div ui-view="full-map" id="full-map" class="mainMap col-xs-6"></div>

The ui-view loads a directive containing IW content, and the map is initialized inside that directive.

When initializing the controller of the directive, I need to modify the element with the class 'gm-style-iw'.

   var iwElem = $document[0].getElementsByClassName("gm-style-iw")

This code snippet correctly returns the desired element.

console.log(iwElem) shows:

length: 1
__proto__: HTMLCollection

However, I am facing issues after this point. The iwElem variable is an HTMLCollection, which signifies an array of HTML elements. According to my understanding, I should be able to access the first element using iwElem[0]. Strangely enough, iwElem[0] returns undefined.

I also attempted to use jQuery selectors:

$('.gm-style-iw') => length:0

$('') => length:0

Answer №1

Assuming your HTML looks something like this:

<div ui-view="full-map" id="full-map" class="mainMap col-xs-6">
  ...some code
  <div class="gm-style-iw"></div>
  ... other codes

If you're using JQuery, you can try the following selector:

$('.mainMap .gm-style-iw')

This will select the child node with the class .gm-style-iw under the parent node with the class .mainMap.

Answer №2

There has been some progress in resolving the issue.

  $timeout(function() {

  function removeIwStandardStyles () {
          var iwOuter = $(iwOuterTemp);
          while (iwOuterTemp.length < 1){
            iwOuterTemp = document.getElementsByClassName("gm-style-iw");

          var iwBackground = iwOuter.prev();

          iwBackground.children(':nth-child(2)').css({'display' : 'none'});
          iwBackground.children(':nth-child(4)').css({'display' : 'none'});

was identifying the correct elements, but it seems like they were not yet applied to the DOM or there were some other loading issues.

However, the solution is not fully implemented (as seen in the while loop) - I believe I can proceed because that element will eventually load. The $timeout function by itself is not entirely reliable - sometimes it waits for the complete IW load, and sometimes it does not.

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