Switch up text using jQuery on css-tricks.com

I am having trouble with the code I found on a page about toggling text using jQuery from this link.

Could someone please explain to me the significance of ':visible'? Thank you.

Here is the fiddle link, and below is the code that I copied.

Visit jsfiddle here


<button id="more-less-options-button">more options</button>


    $("#more-less-options-button").click(function() {
     var txt = $("#extra-options").is(':visible') ? 'more options' : 'less options';

Answer №1

:visible searches for the specified element in the HTML page identified by the id extra-options, which is currently not present.

If you are trying to access something similar, you may find this helpful: http://jsfiddle.net/g6r0c8j5/1/

Answer №2

After setting up a span element with the id extra-options, everything fell into place. Utilizing JQuery, I implemented a check to see if the content associated with the id extra-options is visible, and upon visibility, modify the text accordingly while also hiding the extra-options.

$("#more-less-options-button").click(function() {
    var txt = $("#extra-options").is(':visible') ? 'more options' : 'less options';
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button id="more-less-options-button">more options</button>
<span id="extra-options">Text</span>

Answer №3

You're missing the #extra-options element in your HTML.

Check out this version of your jsfiddle for reference: Link to JsFiddle

The visible function checks if the div is currently open and updates the text accordingly.

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