Switch the ID Class Depending on the URL - Image Replacement with URL Detection -

My Goal: I am attempting to dynamically assign a different class to the div element "logoswap" based on the current URL (e.g., foo.com/item1).

Below is the code I have put together, but it appears to be flawed. While I am more proficient in XHTML/CSS and have some experience with PHP, I am not an expert in JavaScript. Unfortunately, I cannot utilize PHP for this task even though I know it could be done with PHP. I have a PHP version that accomplishes what I need, but I am struggling to integrate the PHP functionality properly.

Essentially, I am trying to display a different logo depending on the directory or URL. The image does not necessarily have to be called in as a background element using a CSS class, I just need it to change based on the URL parameter mentioned above...

  $(function() {
  var url = location.pathname;

  if(url.indexOf('item1') > -1) {
    document.getElementById("logoswap").className += " class1";

  elseif(url.indexOf('item2') > -1) {
    document.getElementById("logoswap").className += "class2";

  elseif(url.indexOf('item3') > -1) {
    document.getElementById("logoswap").className += "class3";

  elseif(url.indexOf('item4') > -1) {
    document.getElementById("logoswap").className += "class4";

  elseif(url.indexOf('item5') > -1) {
    document.getElementById("logoswap").className += "class5";

  else {
    document.getElementById("logoswap").className += "class1";


This is my current implementation which may not be the most aesthetically pleasing.

I have reached out because I require assistance in improving it.

Answer №1

Applying CSS Class Based on URL Pathname

You can check out the solution in action on jsfiddle.

Here's an example where utilizing numeric expressions could be beneficial, although it doesn't directly relate to the previous question.

$(function() {
  var rgx = /item(\d+)$/,
      url = location.pathname,
      id = (rgx.test(url)) ? url.match(rgx)[1] : '1';
  $("#logoswap").addClass("class" + id);


Given the new information, you might require an array of values that align with the intended class names.

  // Creating a string array
  var matches = "brand1 brand2 brand3".split(" "),
      url = location.pathname.match(/\w+$/)[0], // retrieving the last item
      id = matches.indexOf(url),
      className = matches[(id > -1) ? id : 0];

To put this into effect, certain prerequisites must be met such as ending paths with a number as specified here and ensuring image accessibility along with defining styles for each possibility.

CSS Configuration

#logoswap {
  height: 200px;
  width: 200px;
.class1 {
  background-image: url(/path/to/default.jpg);
.class2 {
  background-image: url(/path/to/second.jpg);
.brand1 {
  background-image: url(/path/to/brand/1/logo.jpg);

Without jQuery

If jQuery isn't being utilized, you can turn to using window.onload.

  var old = window.onload;
  window.onload = function(){
    var r = /item(\d+)$/,
        url = location.pathname,
        id = (r.test(url)) ? url.match(r)[1] : '1';
    document.getElementById('logoswap').className += "class" + id;

I want to emphasize the importance of understanding Regular Expressions for anyone working with code like this. They are incredibly useful across various programming languages.

Answer №2

There's absolutely nothing wrong with your current setup. However, you could enhance it by implementing the following:

$(function() {
    var currentURL = window.location.pathname;
    var logoElement = document.getElementById("logoswap");
    var index = 6;

    logoElement.className = "class1";

        if(currentURL.indexOf("item" + index) > -1) {
            logoElement.className = "class" + index;

I hope this solution proves to be helpful for you.

Answer №3

To include an id to the body of a webpage using solely HTML and CSS, you can do so by adding it (or appending it with JavaScript) in this manner:

<body id="item1">

In your CSS file, establish a selector like this:

#item1 #logoswap {
    // class1 CSS

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