Switch between dropdowns with jQuery

Issue at Hand:

In the scenario illustrated below, there is a side navigation bar containing options that reveal a toggled section upon clicking. Specifically, if you select the third item labeled "Dolar" from the menu, a dropdown with three additional choices will appear underneath the link.

While this functionality is commendable, I am seeking a solution to automatically close the dropdown when selecting other links within the navigation. Unfortunately, I am uncertain about the approach to achieve this desired outcome.

Access the jsFiddle demonstration via the following link:


Regarding jQuery Implementation:

Please note: I acknowledge that my code may lack finesse as I am in the process of mastering this programming language.

 // JavaScript and jQuery code snippets go here...

Answer №1

If you want to automatically close the .additional section when clicking on a different link in your sidebar, simply include this jQuery code:

    var random_var = Math.random();
    return false; //Prevent the browser from jumping to the link anchor

Answer №2

To trigger the closing of the dropdown with just the links on the left, you can achieve this by using the following code:


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