Swapping out background images for individual pages

How can I make sure that the background images stay fixed regardless of the amount of text on the page? I have two background images, one on the left and one on the right. The text article is overlaid on top of these images. However, each page has a different amount of text, causing the images to not align properly. If I add height: 100% to .pozadi, the images stay in place on every page but the text overflows its parent element (.pozadi).

I understand that providing a webpage as an example may not be ideal since it could change or disappear. However, let me try to explain my issue better.

If you visit this link - - and open the pages "prodej kompresorů" or "opravy kompresorů", you will see the helix in the background which illustrates my problem.

The sroubovice attribute belongs to the body, so I created a wrapper div for demonstration purposes.

#primary_nav_wrap {
  float: left;
  width: 22%;
  margin: 0;
  z-index: 1;

#sroubovice {
  background-image: url(http://matmasar.wz.cz/fotky/pozadi.png), url(http://matmasar.wz.cz/fotky/pozadi.png);
  background-position: left, right;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  height: 100%;

.tlacitka {
  color: white;
  background: #000;
  padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px;

.pozadi {
  background: #e7f1f5;
  float: right;
  width: 76%;
<div id="sroubovice">
  <img src="../fotky/zahlavi3.jpg" id="zahlavi">
      <h1>Prodej kompresorů</h1>
      <div id="wrap">
        <nav id="primary_nav_wrap">
            <a href="../index.html">
              <li class="tlacitka" style="border-top-left-radius: 15px;">Domů</li>
            <a href="kompresory.html">
              <li class="tlacitka">Kompresory</li>
            <a href="opravy.html">
              <li class="tlacitka">Opravy kompresorů</li>
            <a href="../kontakt.html">
              <li class="tlacitka" style=" border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; border-bottom: none;">Kontakt</li>
        <div class="pozadi">
          <br> If your current compressor station is failing or if you're designing a brand new compressed air installation, we can offer solutions using high-quality compressors and other accessories from companies like <a href="gardnerdenver.html">Gardner Denver</a> and <a href="compair.html">CompAir</a>.
          <a href="gardnerdenver.html">
            <img src="../fotky/gardnerdenver.png" alt="Gardner Denver logo" title="Gardner Denver logo" class="logo"></a>
          <a href="compair.html"><img src="../fotky/CompAir.png" alt="CompAir logo" title="CompAir logo" class="logo" style="margin-bottom: 50px;"></a>
          <ul style="font-weight: bold;">
            <li>Request a price quote</li>
            <li>Let's discuss your project together and suggest the ideal solution.</li>
            <li>Don't hesitate to contact us.</li>
        <!-- End of the pozadi div -->
      <!-- End of the wrap div -->

Answer №1

Here's a suggestion for you:

#screwdriver {
    background-position: center top;

Answer №2

After some investigation, I was able to figure out the solution.

I made the decision to remove .pozadi from the body and instead replaced article with div as the first child element of the body. Here is how it looks now:

<div id="sroubovice">

Next, I included height 100% and adjusted the background-position property to left top (or 140px for a more precise result) for the left side and right 140px for the right side in the .pozadi selector.

background-image: url(../fotky/pozadi.png), url(../fotky/pozadi.png);
background-position: left 140px, right 140px; 
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 100%;

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