Support for SVG Sprites is limited in Internet Explorer and Safari, causing compatibility issues with SVG functionality

Utilizing SVG Sprites to incorporate svg icons on my webpage has worked smoothly in Chrome and Firefox, but I am encountering an issue where none of the svg icons are displaying in IE and Safari.

<div class="toggle-icons">
<span class="toggle-rows active">
<svg class="icon"  >
<use xmlns:xlink="" link:href="icons.svg#icon-photo-row"></use>
<input type="radio" name="toggle" value="row"> 
<span class="toggle-grid">
<svg class="icon"  >
<use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="icons.svg#icon-photo-grid"></use>
<input type="radio" name="toggle" value="grid">

The structure of icons.svg is as follows:

<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">
<symbol id="icon-photo-row" viewBox="0 0 19.983 11.084">
<line fill="none" stroke-width="0.75" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="0" y1="0.375" x2="3.75" y2="0.375"/>


<pre><code>.toggle-icons svg.icon {
  width: 3rem;
  height: 3rem;
  fill: #bfbfbf;
  stroke: #4D5E68;
  vertical-align: middle;

.toggle-icons svg.icon {
  fill: #95a1aa;

If anyone could shed light on why there's a rendering issue with SVGs on IE and Safari, along with a potential solution, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance

Answer №1

My solution to the excessive calls caused by svg4everybody using requestAnimationFrame was to develop a lightweight polyfill. This polyfill is designed to fetch and cache external SVGs referenced in <use> elements when the browser fails to do so on its own. Unlike other methods, my polyfill relies on feature detection instead of browser sniffing. You can find the code on github:

For a live demonstration, check out:

Answer №2

Svg4everybody successfully resolved the issue, making it accessible on both Internet Explorer and Safari browsers.

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