Styling only for Angular 2 Components

How can component scoped styles be used to style elements differently based on their location within the site while still maintaining style scoping? For example, when using a "heart like" item created in this course, how can padding be added specifically if the component is nested within the Twitter list we built, without affecting its appearance elsewhere? Is it possible to scope the styles for each scenario solely to this particular component?

The styles below are in the heart.styles.css file, ensuring that they are scoped to the heart component. However, these styles act as global styles for the component and will apply regardless of where it is nested.

What is the best way to override these styles, specifically when the component is nested within another component? Using the parent component's CSS to override may not work due to scoping constraints. This dilemma raises concerns about having scoped and non-scoped styles scattered across different files, leading to potential confusion and specificity issues.
.heart {margin: 0.1em 0 0 1.7em;}

I might be overlooking something obvious here, but finding a solution is not clear to me at the moment.

Answer №1

The :host-context selector has the ability to do this

:host-context(twitter) .heart {
  margin: 0.1em 0 0 1.7em;

Whenever the element is a child of the <twitter> element, it will apply this style to elements that have the class heart.

Answer №2

If you're deciding between "looking up" or "looking down" the component tree, you have two options:

  • Up - To style based on conditions outside a component's view (looking up the component tree), use the :host-context() pseudo-class selector. Angular will search for a specified component, element, or class in any ancestor of the component's host element, all the way up to the document root. If a match is found, the CSS style will be applied to the component's view. @Günter provided an example of this in his answer:

    :host-context(twitter) .heart { ... }

  • Down - To apply styles down through the component tree to all child component views, use the /deep/ or >>> selector. For example, add this to the parent/twitter component:
    :host /deep/ .heart { ... }

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