Styling Icons for Tabs in Material UI

I am dynamically using these tabs:

            indicator: classes.indicator,
            flexContainer: classes.flexContainer,
          {, index) => (
                root: classes.tabRoot,
                wrapper: classes.wrapper,
                labelIcon: classes.labelIcon,
                selected: classes.selected,
          {<Grid container>
            <Grid item xs>
                type= "widget"
                  textTransform: "capitalize",
                  float: "right"

This is the function to get the icon:

const getIcon = (value) => {
  if (value === eventType.view) return <PageviewIcon />;
  if (value === eventType.lead) return <ContactsIcon />;
  if (value === eventType.share) return <ShareIcon />;
  if (value === eventType.follow) return <GroupAddIcon />;
  if (value === return <PermMediaIcon />;
  if (value === eventType.print) return <FindInPageIcon />;
  return null;

Each tab looks like this:

I am trying to add padding between the icon and the label like this:

However, I have been unable to modify the default class MuiTab-labelIcon .MuiTab-wrapper which appears like this by default:

This issue only arose after updating to Material UI v4

I attempted using inline styling on the icons but it results in very small icons:

<ShareIcon style={{paddingBottom: '0px', paddingRight: "10px"}}/>

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Encapsulate Text and Icon within a container element and add

style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center' }}

Answer №2

To change the icon position in the Tab component, make use of the iconposition prop.

<Tab icon={<PhoneMissedIcon />} iconPosition="start" label="start" />

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