The annoying Facebook "add a comment" popup refuses to close

Occasionally, the "add a comment" popup (iframe) in Facebook's Like plug-in fails to close and obstructs access to the content underneath. This issue has been noted while using Chrome 21 and Firefox 15.

To replicate this problem, you can visit the following fiddle:

Is there any way to resolve this issue?

Thank you

Answer №1

It seems like the issue at hand cannot be easily resolved as it stems from a problem within Facebook's code. To address this error, I recommend reaching out to Facebook directly and reporting the bug for their assistance in resolving it.

In examining my Chrome error console, I have identified a same-origin scripting error occurring between the iframe used for the Like Button and the iframe generated for the comment box. This error consistently occurs every time I perform a Like/Unlike action, often after just two rounds of interaction.

The error message indicates an unsafe JavaScript attempt to access a frame with URL from a frame with URL . It mentions that domains, protocols, and ports must match.
g.inform -d50SLIrXc3.js:43
i.disconnect -d50SLIrXc3.js:44
h._handleRequire -d50SLIrXc3.js:67
j -d50SLIrXc3.js:19
q -d50SLIrXc3.js:19
p -d50SLIrXc3.js:19
k -d50SLIrXc3.js:19
l -d50SLIrXc3.js:19
h._handleRequire -d50SLIrXc3.js:67
k -d50SLIrXc3.js:67
h.handle -d50SLIrXc3.js:67
r -d50SLIrXc3.js:23
(anonymous function) -d50SLIrXc3.js:23
v._handleJSResponse -d50SLIrXc3.js:87
v._dispatchResponse -d50SLIrXc3.js:87

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