Styling HTML tables with CSS for optimal row sizing

I am encountering an issue with a table that I created. The first row consists of Table Headings, and it seems that the size of the letters in the second row differs from the third row.

  <th>510px x 45px</th> *Letters also seem to be bigger
  <th>510px x 45px</th>
  <th>510px x 45px</th>
  <th>510px x 37px</th>
  <th>510px x 37px</th>
  <th>510px x 37px</th>


  • Image displaying ROW 2

  • Image showing ROW 3

Although I copied and pasted the code from Row 3 to Row 2, the problem persists. Can someone provide assistance?

Answer №1

There was a noticeable distinction, as in the second row you mention 510px by 45px, while in the third row it is 510px by 37px..

(510px x 45px) does not equal (510px x 37px)

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