Styling HTML during the loading of Angular JS

I have HTML code block that I need to control the visibility of using an Angular variable

<div class={{visibilityCss}}>
    Show/Hide Area

In Angular, I can set $scope.visibilityCss = 'hide' or $scope.visibilityCss = 'show', with 'hide' as the default. I also have CSS classes for toggling visibility: .show/.hide which apply display:block/none.

I want this div to be hidden by default, but currently it is initially visible when the page loads and only hides after approximately 1 second (when Angular JS is loaded). I would like it to be invisible from the start. (similar to applying a hidden CSS property for .{{visibilityCss}} if it were a valid class name)

Answer №1

If you want to implement a show/hide feature

<div ng-show="show">
   Content to be displayed

In the controller, you can set:

 $ = true //To display the content


$ = false //To hide the content

based on your specific requirement.


I think this solution might help. If you need more clarification, feel free to share a Plnkr link for further assistance.

NOTE: This code has not been tested

var app = angular.module('app', []);$rootScope) { 
  $ = false;

app.controller('Ctrl', function($rootScope,$scope) { 
   $ = true 

Answer №2

Hey there, your HTML code needs some improvement. Consider utilizing ng-class instead:

<div ng-class="visibilityCss">
  Show or Hide Content

In response to your query, Angular offers a convenient solution for this functionality. Simply include the ng-cloak class and insert the following CSS into your stylesheet to hide it initially and then display it once the page is fully loaded.

[ng\:cloak], [ng-cloak], [data-ng-cloak], [x-ng-cloak], .ng-cloak, .x-ng-cloak {
  display: none !important;

Subsequently, tweak your HTML as follows:

<div class="ng-cloak" ng-class="visibilityCss">
  Show or Hide Content

Note: Following advice from Chandresh, employing the ng-show directive with true/false values may offer a more effective alternative than using ng-class.

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