Styling checkboxes with CSS may not have the desired effect

I seem to be facing a little issue here. Despite reading numerous discussions on this topic, I still can't get it to work for me...

Currently, I'm working on a WordPress theme and I've hit a roadblock with CSS checkbox styling. This is the CSS I have so far:

 input[type=checkbox] {
    opacity: 0;

  input[type=checkbox] + label
    background-image: url('images/main-sprite.png') no-repeat 0 -311px;
    height: 20px;
    width: 20px;
       padding: 0 0 0 0px;

   input[type=checkbox]:checked + label
            background-image: url('images/main-sprite.png') no-repeat 0 -357px;
    height: 20px;
    width: 20px;
        width: 16px;

        padding: 0 0 0 0px;
.lcheckbox {
        position: relative;
    top: 43px;
    right: 200px;

Additionally, here's my HTML code:

<input class='lcheckbox' type="checkbox" /><label for="checkbox">Remember me</label>

Can anyone provide some guidance on how to resolve this?

Thank you.

Update: The initial problem has been resolved, but now when I click nothing happens and the label text appears like this:

Remember *Here's a line break, so we continue on the next line*

Answer №1

<label for="checkbox"> function properly on an input field with the id checkbox.
However, if your input doesn't have an id assigned to it, the label will not work.

To fix this issue, simply assign an id to the input field as shown below:

<input class='lcheckbox' type="checkbox" id="checkbox" />

(You can use any unique id of your choice, as long as it matches the label's for attribute.)

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