Styling an unordered list with CSS in HTML is a powerful

I am working with an unordered list where each list element contains two spans: span A and span B. My goal is to style these elements so that they are displayed horizontally on the screen, with span A above span B in each set.

     spanAItem1 spanAItem2 spanAItem3
     spanBItem1 spanBItem2 spanBItem3

What innovative CSS techniques can I use to achieve this layout?

Answer №1

This code snippet can help you achieve a similar look:

ul {float: left; list-style-type:none;}
ul li {float: left; margin-right:20px;}
ul li span {display:block}

*This has been revised to cater to your feedback. Feel free to build upon this template :)

Answer №2

After reading Triptych's reply:

  • Remember to insert a <br clear="all" /> or

    <div style="clear: both"></div>
    or any other method that enforces clear:both behavior following the </ul> tag.

  • To get rid of the bullet points, utilize the list-style-type property:

ul {float: left; list-style-type: none;}

  • If you want to increase the spacing between elements, use the margin property:

ul li {float: left; margin: 10px;}

Answer №3

Building upon the suggestions from @Joel Alejandro and @Tryptych, when you specify a width for the ul, the individual li elements will move to the next line. Keep in mind that older browsers like IE6 may not handle this wrapping correctly. To ensure compatibility with these browsers, consider adding a "row" class to each row element along with the CSS rule .row{clear:both}, as mentioned by @Joel Alejandro.

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