Styling a div to wrap around an image

I'm working with an image element that has the style attribute set to style='width:40%;height:40%'. My goal is to add a div around this image that will automatically adjust its size to wrap around the image. However, when I try inserting the div, it does not properly wrap the image and instead expands to fit the entire div.

Is there a way to make this div wrap around the img so that it can be used as a frame? The challenge here is that I cannot set preset height and width values for the div because the percentages of the img's dimensions are dynamic. So, the div needs to adapt to the size of the image itself.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired outcome, follow these steps:

<div class="container">
    <img src="...">

Apply the display: inline-block; property to the container. This worked for me. However, keep in mind that setting style='width:40%;height:40%;' may cause its height to be adjusted by its parent element, as pointed out by @jesse-van-assen.

Answer №2

When setting a width and height of 40% on an image tag, the issue arises when the image does not scale down to 40% of its original size but rather takes up 40% of its parent element. This can be observed here.

If you need the image to be wrapped in a div but still want it to be sized at 40% of its parent, you may encounter difficulties as the parent element is the wrapping div itself.

To use the div purely as a frame, you can utilize CSS to style the image and achieve a similar effect. For example:

<img src="..." style="border: 1px solid #000000; padding:10px;"/>​

An example showcasing this approach can be found here.

Answer №3

Align all your images to the left side.


Make sure to clear each div with

<div style="clear:both"></div> 

Include this code as the final element within the wrapping div before closing it.

I hope this solution is helpful for you.

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