Styling a div element in React

Just dipping my toes into the world of styling here, so bear with me.

I'm currently working on a React app and attempting to bring an image from a file using the following code:

import cup from './img/cup.png'

My goal is to style it in conjunction with text and other content within the <div>. Here's what I have tried:

<div style={{display:'inline-block', 
  <img src={cup} alt=''/>
  <h1 className="title is-4">"Item"</h1>

Unfortunately, this setup doesn't work quite as expected. The image appears too large for my liking.

I've been exploring options to directly reference the image within the inline styles and also control its 'height' and 'width' properties, but haven't come across a solution yet.

Is there a way to achieve this? If so, how can it be done?

Answer №1

For a vertical layout, try this code snippet:

          <div style={{ display: "inline-block",
              textDecoration: "underline",cursor: "pointer"}}>
              style={{ height: 100 }} src={
                "<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="462f283234296b302f2223296b36293532233406743e682c3621">[email protected]</a>"
              } alt=""
            <h1 className="title is-4">"Item"</h1>

If a horizontal layout is more to your liking, you can use the following code:

          <div style={{ display: "flex", textDecoration: "underline", cursor: "pointer"}}>
            <img style={{ height: 100 }} src={
                "<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="aec7c0dadcc183d8c7cacbc183dec1dddacbdcee9cd680c4dec9">[email protected]</a>"
              } alt=""
            <h1 className="title is-4">"Item"</h1>

Answer №2

To adjust the size of your image, simply include height and width attributes like so:

  <img src={cup} alt='' height={50} width={50} />

You can also use 'auto' as a value for one attribute while specifying the other for best results:

  <img src={cup} alt='' height={50} width='auto' />
  <img src={cup} alt='' height='auto' width={50} />

Answer №3

First and foremost, it's crucial to understand what exactly a selector is. Simply put, it serves as a way to connect style with HTML tags (or the DOM). For instance, if you assign a class to an image.

  <img src={cup} alt='' className="my-image"/>
  <h1 className="title is-4">"Item"</h1>

In your CSS file, which must be imported as a component dependency at the beginning of the source file alongside import cup from './img/cup.png'.

style.css {
  // Add your CSS rules here

Then comes the magic - the CSS rule you define in the file, such as specifying absolute/relative width or height, will then be applied to the image accordingly.

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