Style line breaks using CSS

Can CSS(3) be used to visually or textually emphasize line breaks that were automatically added by browsers? For example, displaying a symbol like at the end of each wrapped line.

It is crucial to identify where lines were wrapped in source code, as newlines can hold significance. Allowing users to scroll horizontally is not an ideal solution either...

Answer №1

From my understanding, the only method to achieve this using pure CSS is through the :first-line pseudo-element

Apply a "visual indication" to each element as a default.
Target the :first-line element to reset the styles.

See it in action:

<div class="line">Too much code at one line. Learn to write shorter lines!</div>
<div class="line">Lonely line.</div>


code {display: block; width: 150px;} /* <-- Just for testing, not relevant*/
code .line            {  color: red;  /* Visual indication */ }
code .line:first-line {  color: #000; /* Default color   */ }

The demo displays the text in black as default, and in red as a "visual indication":

Answer №2

Regrettably, achieving this effect solely with CSS is not feasible. However, one workaround could involve utilizing a vertical graphic positioned at the bottom right corner, with glyphs arranged in ascending order as you reach the tallest line of text, ensuring that the spacing aligns perfectly with the line-height.

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