Style class for a division element

Feeling stumped. Here is the CSS code I am using:

    <style = "text/css">
        .sidebar_qustions {padding: 10px; background-color: Green;}
        div.sidebar_qustions {padding: 10px;}
        DIV.sidebar_qustions {padding: 15px;}
        DIV .sidebar_qustions {padding: 20px;}
        ul.sidebar_questions_outer { list-style: none; margin: 0px; color: Red;}
        ul.sidebar_questions_inner { list-style: none; display:inline }
        li.sidebar_questions_inner { display:inline; padding: 5px; }

However, even with this code in place, the styling for the sidebar_questions DIV does not seem to be working:

<div id="sidebarwrapleft">
    <div id="sidebar">
            <div class="sidebar_questions">

I tried different ways of applying styles to the div element as shown above, but none of them seem to work. Is it actually possible to apply a style to a DIV element?

If you have any insights, please share.

Answer №1

Here is an example of how the style tag should be formatted:

<style type="text/css">

Do you find yourself repeatedly writing directives for the same class? Additionally, there is a misspelling in 'quEstions'.

.sidebar_questions {padding: 10px; background-color: Green;}
div.sidebar_questions {padding: 10px;}
DIV.sidebar_questions {padding: 15px;}
DIV.sidebar_questions {padding: 20px;}

Answer №2

Your CSS file has a misspelling with .sidebar_questions

In your CSS file, you have:


But in your HTML code, it should be:

<div class="sidebar_questions">

To troubleshoot this issue, you can use Firefox along with the Firebug plugin. This will allow you to right-click on the specific part of your page and see the applied styles. If no styles are shown, it could mean that there is a misspelled name, missing stylesheet, or an error in defining the style element.

For correct WC3 recommendations, you can refer here.

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