Struggling with IE7 compatibility issues regarding tables inside a div? Seeking a reliable resource to gain insights and strategies for effectively resolving IE7 problems

I am currently in the process of revamping this website: but I am facing a challenge with repeating a gradient within a div (cnews). The problem arises when the gradient is repeated on IE7, as it distorts the color. It appears as though the blue in the image is somehow lightened. And setting the attribute to no-repeat eliminates the rounded edges effect that I am aiming for.

Below is the code snippet causing the issue:

<div class="box-noshadow" id="cnews">
<div id="spotlight">

<!-- More HTML code here -->

As for the relevant CSS:

#cnews {
width: 100%;
float: left;
padding: 5px;
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

#spotlight {
width: 50%;
height: 200px;
background-color: yellow;
float: right;
padding: 5px;}
<!-- More CSS code here -->

I am seeking a solution that allows proper rendering in modern browsers while addressing the issues observed on IE7. Should I consider using IE7-specific CSS?

Additionally, where can I find information on HTML/CSS elements that IE7 struggles to interpret compared to more recent browsers?

Answer №1

The width:50% set on the stopmarquee element is causing it to drop down lower in IE7 instead of aligning next to the right floated spotlight div. As a result, the cnews container expands further downward, leading to the background image repeating in the 'y' direction as pointed out by 3rror404 in their comment.

Additionally, the background image itself contains a color shift from light at the top to darker at the bottom, contributing to the lighter appearance when the image repeats vertically.

To correct the positioning issue with stopmarquee, consider changing the width to 49%. Alternatively, you could opt for a solid color background image to prevent the repetition from causing any visual discrepancies.

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