Struggling to align images side by side using HTML and CSS along with figcaption and buttons

Adding buttons below images on my webpage is proving to be a bit challenging. I tried using the figcaption tag, but it resulted in the images stacking on top of each other instead of side by side.

**My HTML:**

    <section class="mostpurch">    
  <h1> Latest PC downloads... </h1>
    <p> Most purchased on PC </p>
    <img src="images/fallout-4.jpg" class="f41" />
    <figcaption><button type="button">Add to basket</button></figcaption>
    <img src="images/Tom-Clancys-The-Division.jpg" class="tctd1" />
    <figcaption><button type="button">Add to basket</button></figcaption>
    <img src="images/blops3.jpg" class="blops31" />
    <figcaption><button type="button">Add to basket</button></figcaption>
    <img src="images/acsyn.jpg" class="acsyn1" />
    <figcaption><button type="button">Add to basket</button></figcaption> 

I'm looking for guidance on how to adjust my HTML or CSS to achieve the desired layout. Here's how it currently looks (image).

I want the images to be displayed next to each other with buttons underneath. If there's a better way to accomplish this, please advise as I am new to web development.

Thank you in advance,


Answer №1


<section class="mostpurch">
  <h1> Brand new PC game releases... </h1>
    <p> Top picks on PC </p>
      <img src="images/fallout-4.jpg" class="f41" />
      <figcaption><button type="button">Buy Now</button></figcaption>


div{display: inline;}

Answer №2

To properly structure your code, place each <img> and <figcaption> within a containing div and apply CSS to the container using this rule: display: inline-block

Check out this example on JSFiddle

.container {
  display: inline-block;
<section class="mostpurch">
  <h1> Latest PC downloads... </h1>
  <p>Most purchased on PC</p>
  <div class="container">
    <img src="" class="f41" />
      <button type="button">Add to basket</button>
  <div class="container">
    <img src="" class="f41" />
      <button type="button">Add to basket</button>
  <div class="container">
    <img src="" class="f41" />
      <button type="button">Add to basket</button>
  <div class="container">
    <img src="" class="f41" />
      <button type="button">Add to basket</button>

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