How can we stop the navigation submenus (ULs) from appearing as if they are floating?

I've created a navigation bar with an unordered list consisting of smaller unordered lists, each with the class "subnav".

When the screen is small, the navigation collapses and the menus stack on top of each other. I want the navigation to maintain its structure without changing shape as the screen size changes.

Check out this jsfiddle:

If you resize the window in the jsfiddle link, you'll see the menu moving around - how can I keep it still and consistent?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated

Answer №1

To ensure your navigation bar is a minimum width of 900px, you can use the following CSS rule: .navigation{min-width:900px;}. This will prevent any unwanted floating behavior. Keep in mind that the actual width may vary depending on factors such as font size, borders, padding, margins, and browser-specific settings if not reset. Additionally, if you are using relative units like em, consider using em for the min-width property as well.

Answer №2

To style the elements .subnav, you can use display: table-cell; and for their parent .navigation, you can use display: table; (or even better, use table-row for the parent of .subnav and table for the parent of .navigation). You can also check out this example on jsfiddle:

In my demo, I included table-layout: fixed and added extra padding to the right of the logo as examples of how you can customize your layout. These can be removed if you prefer the browser to handle item widths automatically.

An alternative approach is using CSS3 Flexible Box Layout, but keep in mind that its support is not as widespread as CSS2 display: table;. However, if you are targeting mobile devices with Media Queries, Flexbox should work fine as most browsers supporting Media Queries also support Flexbox. It's all about responsive design - focusing on desktop first rather than mobile first.
Moreover, support for display: table*; goes back to IE8, while for IE7- fallback to inline-block is recommended.

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