Struggles with closing dropdown menus

How can I modify my drop down menu so that the first drop box closes when a new link is clicked? Additionally, how do I ensure that the menu closes when clicking on a child item without refreshing the page (since the content is dynamically pulled from a database)?

 $("#top-nav li").toggle(function(){
 $("", this).addClass('selected');

            }, function(){$('ul',this).hide();
    $("", this).removeClass('selected');
            }); });
    <ul id="top-nav">
    <a href="#" class="top-nav-link">INDIAN</a>
                <div class=" one-wrap set-column">
              <a href="#" >INDIAN</a>
             <a href="#" >CHINESE</a>
             <a href="#" >ITALIAN</a>
             <a href="#" >PUB FOOD</a>
             <a href="#" ></a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
                  <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
              <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>



               <a href="#" class="top-nav-link">CHINESE</a>

                  <div class=" two-wrap set-column">
              <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
                  <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
              <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
             <a href="#" >Menu</a>
           <a href="#" >Menu</a>

Answer №1

To ensure that only one drop-down menu is open at a time when a link is clicked, you can close all existing menus and then reveal the intended menu:

$("#link").click(function() { 
  $(".dropdown").slideUp(); #hides any currently open drop-down menu

As for your second inquiry about collapsing the parent menu when a link within it is clicked:

$(".dropdown .child").on('click', function() {

Keep in mind that the live method has been deprecated and replaced by on.

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