Strategies to avoid red squiggle lines in a contenteditable div that has lost focus

While the div is focused, spell checking is enabled which works well. However, once the focus is removed and there are spelling mistakes, the red squiggle lines for spell checking remain visible.

After following the advice provided in this query:

spellcheck=false on contentEditable elements

I implemented event listeners for the blur and focus events to switch between edit.spellcheck = false; and edit.spellcheck = true; in an attempt to prevent the appearance of red squiggle lines when the div is not in focus. Unfortunately, the issue persists despite these changes.

.edit {
  border: 1px solid gray;
<div class="edit" contenteditable="true"></div>

Answer №1

It is my understanding that consistently removing red squiggly lines under spelling errors in editable elements, such as form fields, may not be possible on all browsers and platforms even if the spellcheck attribute is set to "false".

One workaround to consider is removing the red squiggles by making the element non-editable when it is no longer focused. You can utilize this method by toggling the contenteditable attribute to true when the element is clicked (focused) and false when it is blurred:

const edit = document.querySelector('.edit');

edit.addEventListener('click', function() {
  /* Make content editable when clicked */
  edit.setAttribute('contenteditable', true);

edit.addEventListener('blur', function() {

  /* Remove content editable when blurred to ensure spelling lines disappear */
  edit.setAttribute('contenteditable', false);
.edit {
  border: 1px solid gray;
<div class="edit">som seplling erors</div>

I hope this information proves useful to you!

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