Styling images and text in CSS within a jQuery UI autocomplete widget

I am currently using an autocomplete widget that displays text along with images. The results I have right now are not meeting my requirements.

I want to customize the appearance of my results so that the words 'test' and either 'Federico' or 'Casey' are displayed on separate lines, directly above each other.

Here is the relevant section of the javascript code for my widget:

.data( "autocomplete" )
._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
    return jQuery( "<li></li>" )
        .data( "item.autocomplete", item )
        .append( "<a>" + "<img src='" + window.module.Globals.prototype.karma_assets + "images/_pricing_tables/best_deal.png' style='vertical-align:text-top;'/>" + + " - " + item.label + "</a>" )
        .appendTo( ul );

Can someone please advise me on how to modify my output as desired? Thank you!

Answer №1

Enclose the text part of the anchor tag in a div element to achieve the desired push effect and allow the <br /> tag to function as intended. This method is CSS3 compliant while maintaining backward compatibility.

.append( "<a>" + "<img src='" + window.module.Globals.prototype.karma_assets + "images/_pricing_tables/best_deal.png' style='vertical-align:text-top; float: left;'/><div>" + + " <br /> " + item.label + "</div></a>" )

Answer №2

.append( "<a>" + "<img src='" + window.module.Globals.prototype.karma_assets + "images/_pricing_tables/best_deal.png' style='vertical-align:text-top; float: left;'/>" + + " <br /> " + item.label + "</a>" )

give this a shot...

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