"Strategically placing elements on an HTML grid

My current project involves creating a grid layout in HTML using CSS. The goal is to use this layout for various elements such as images, text, and links.

What I envision is a visually appealing grid where each object fits together seamlessly with no gaps between the 'divs', automatically adjusting based on a predefined size.

I am determined to avoid relying on APIs or libraries for this project and prefer a solution that primarily uses CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and HTML.

You can view my progress so far at http://jsfiddle.net/AeroMcDoom/quC8V/1/.

Although I have set up a basic 1x1 grid ('.a' with red background), I am relatively new to the positioning concepts in HTML and have been grappling with this challenge for over a week now.

.a {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;

(Note: '.a' represents the 1x1 grid and '.b' is the 2x2 grid)

Answer №1

CSS Grid is a powerful tool that has gained popularity in recent years as a pure HTML/CSS solution for creating layouts. It offers a non-hacking approach to positioning elements exactly where you want them, and it's more reliable than other methods.

If you're interested in learning more about CSS Grid, check out this framework generator:

One of the best resources for mastering CSS Grid is a tutorial series by Rachel Andrew, a respected advocate for this technology. You can watch her videos here:

For a hands-on example of CSS Grid in action, take a look at this CodePen demo: https://codepen.io/quibble/pen/NaKdMo

  display: grid;
  grid-gap: 10px;
  grid-template-columns: 50px 50px 50px;
  grid-template-rows: 30px 3px 27px 13px 17px 40px; 
    "one two three"
    "one five three"
    "one five six"
    "four five six"
    "four five ."
    "four . .";
  background-color: gray;
  grid-area: one;
  grid-area: two;
  grid-area: three;
  grid-area: four;
  grid-area: five;
  grid-area: six;

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