A step-by-step guide to customizing the Material UI Chips delete SVG icon to appear in white color through

Using a Material UI component, I added a custom class to my chip.

Attached is a screenshot showing what I mean.

Currently, I am attempting to change the color of the cross button to white.

After inspecting the element, I discovered that it is an SVG icon.

In my App.css file, I attempted to set all SVG icons to white like this:

svg{ color:white }

However, the cross button continues to appear in black despite my efforts.

Answer №1

Consider utilizing the !important rule such as svg{ color:white !important; } to see if it has the desired effect.

If the previous method fails, take a closer look at the cross element and identify which class is being used on it. Use that class to redefine your styles in the CSS file.

Answer №2

Targeting the path element instead of the svg element is recommended. In this situation, the correct CSS would be

svg path { background-color: #fff }

Answer №3

If you're working with React and using @mui/icons-material/ icons, consider creating a className to control the color of the path, as it's simply an SVG element.

import VideocamIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Videocam';

<VideocamIcon className={styles.videoCamIcon} />
.videoCamIcon {
  path { color: #fff };

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