Stop vuetify from cluttering the global style scope

Seeking to embed a Vue component into another from an external source without using a Vue Plugin. The components are mounting correctly, but the embedded component's use of Vuetify is affecting the parent application's style. Visual examples can be seen below:

Before mounting the embedded component, notice the primary colors of the root application:

After mounting the Login (embedded) component:

Attempted a strategy mentioned here, using less in the embedded component to import Vuetify css at a block level, but it did not work.

Realizing that making sure the embedded theme matches the root application's theme could solve the issue, however, I prefer not to rely on that solution. If my component is built with webpack, why am I unable to apply Vuetify's css just to that specific component? Any suggestions?

I am willing to provide code if needed

Answer №1

If you're working with vue.js, make sure to install postcss-parent-selector

npm i postcss-parent-selector -D

Next, create a postcss.config.js file in your root directory and include the following code:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      selector: ".mywrapperclass",

After that, add a wrapper element around your app in public/index.html:

<div class="mywrapperclass">
  <div id="app"></div>

Here are some helpful links for reference:

Answer №2

I am currently experiencing a similar issue with my application. I have considered a few potential solutions:

-One option is to embed the child Vue application using an iframe and utilize a library like vuex-iframe-sync to share props between the Vuetify root app and the child app.

-Another approach could be to completely disable the Vuetify theme and potentially customize components independently:

// src/plugins/vuetify.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuetify from 'vuetify/lib'

const vuetify = new Vuetify({
  theme: { disable: true },

-I also explored the idea of using webpack configuration to implement a PostCSS plugin and potentially apply prefixes to Vuetify's global styles during the app bundling process, but I encountered challenges in implementing this.

If you make any headway on this matter, please update me!

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