Stop the inclusion of the scrollbar in the mat-drawer-inner-container within the Angular mat-drawer Component

Background Story: Working on designing a screen layout that includes the use of a mat-drawer to display a custom component. The challenge arises when the custom component gets nested inside a div (with class="mat-drawer-inner-container") automatically added by the mat-drawer component itself. Here's how the HTML structure looks like initially:


After inspecting in Chrome dev tools, here's how it looks with the additional div:

    <div class="mat-drawer-inner-container">

The issue at hand is that this extra div introduces an unwanted scrollbar to the entire component, leading to dual scrollbars as I already have a virtual-scrollbar implemented within the custom component for the table. Visually, it ends up looking cluttered and not user-friendly.

Through experimentation in Chrome dev tools, discovered that applying the style overflow-y: hidden to the auto-generated .mat-drawer-inner-container div effectively hides the redundant scrollbar.

However, struggling to implement this fix in actual code scenarios despite trying various approaches:

  1. Attempted targeting the mat-drawer-inner-container using CSS linked to the parent component, but no luck.
.mat-drawer .mat-drawer-inner-container {
    overflow-y: hidden;
  1. Tried accessing the parent element of the custom component directive by employing the :host pseudo-selector within the custom component's CSS, still unsuccessful.
:host .mat-drawer-inner-container {
     overflow-y: hidden;
  1. Experimented with using !important to emphasize the styles' precedence in both cases mentioned above.
  2. Even resorted to applying inline styles in desperation.

Admittedly lacking expertise in CSS and styling nuances, seeking any guidance or suggestions to resolve this dilemma.

Answer №1

When creating HTMLElements dynamically, the .css styling cannot be modified directly. In these cases, it is recommended to apply the styles globally by adding them to a separate file such as "styles.css" with more specific selectors.

Many Material components provide a way to specify a custom CSS class, allowing for easy customization of individual elements.

For example:

<!--applying the "custom-container" class -->
<mat-drawer-container class="custom-container">
  <mat-drawer mode="side" opened>Drawer content</mat-drawer>
  <mat-drawer-content>Main content</mat-drawer-content>

In the styles.css file (or any global stylesheet):

/*targeting the ".custom-container" parent element*/
.custom-container .mat-drawer .mat-drawer-inner-container {
  border: 1px solid blue;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  overflow-y: hidden;

It is important to use specific CSS rules when applying styles to prevent unintended effects on other components in the application. This approach is particularly useful when customizing multiple instances of a component like mat-datepicker.

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