I've been attempting to assign an ID to the contact section element on my webpage, but for some reason, it's not updating. Adding new styles in my CSS doesn't seem to work, but modifying existing selectors that are already loaded on the page works fine. The selector is written with a background-color property and other attributes, yet when I inspect the element using developer tools, I can't see the selector and properties I defined. However, all other old selectors are displayed correctly... Can anyone shed light on why this might be happening?
Here's what I've tried so far: I experimented with using a class instead of an ID, but it didn't make a difference. Adding version tags like ?v.1, ?v.2, and ?version=15 also didn't yield any results. Various attempts at cache reloads and deletions were unsuccessful. I even opened the page manually in the browser (by accessing htdocs/myproject/index.html) without using the local server (XAMPP localhost), which didn't resolve the issue either. I tested the website on multiple web browsers, none of them worked. Lastly, opening the project on a different computer also failed to solve the problem.
Full HTML code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
Full CSS code:
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
If anyone has any insights into why this issue persists, please share your thoughts!