Sticky positioning and visible overflow restrictions

When position sticky is used within a container with overflow:hidden, it does not work as expected. However, the overflow hidden property is necessary in this case.

 <div class="lg:col-start-7 lg:col-end-13" style="overflow:hidden">
     <div style="min-height:100%;">
      <div class="bg-placeholder-bg w-full" style="position:relative">
          <img src="image:src" style="position: sticky;top: 10px;">

EDIT: I just realized that everything is contained within another element that requires overflow:hidden, which is why position sticky is not working here. Anyone have any solutions?

Answer №1

If you want to move forward, follow these steps:

  position: -webkit-sticky;
  position: sticky;
background-image: url("");

<div id="mainContent">

 <div class="container">
      <div class="bgContainer">
         <div class="imgSticky"></div>

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