Steps to include a CSS file in Laravel 5.6 using npm

Here are the steps I've taken:

  1. Installed bootstrap-select using npm
  2. Edited resource/assets/bootstrap.js to add "require('bootstrap-select');
  3. Executed npm run prod

My Questions:

Does the bootstrap-select library include sass or css files, and if so, how can I combine them in css/app.css?

Do I have to edit webpack.mix.js, or is there another file like "resource/assets/bootstrap.js" that I can modify instead?

Answer №1

To incorporate the sass files from bootstrap-select into your own sass files, you should include them within your resources/assets/sass/app.scss like this:

@import '~bootstrap-select/sass/bootstrap-select';

By doing this, you will be able to utilize their variables in your own sass files, and they will be automatically compiled into your public/css/app.css.

If you prefer not to use the variables, you can simply import the css from your sass file and still have it compiled into app.css:

@import '~bootstrap-select/dist/css/bootstrap-select';

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