Steps to eliminate the dividers between cells in a Material UI Table

I've been experimenting with various CSS properties and elements within the Material-UI Table and TableCells, but I'm still unable to remove the horizontal lines between rows. Does anyone know how to achieve this in the Table component of Material UI?

Answer №1

If you're working with MUI version 5, take advantage of the sx props for styling. The latest MUI update has introduced a new tableCellClasses object to make it easier to reference the component's CSS className in a more secure manner, avoiding hardcoded strings like "MuiTableCell-root":

import Table from "@mui/material/Table";
import TableCell, { tableCellClasses } from "@mui/material/TableCell";
    [`& .${tableCellClasses.root}`]: {
      borderBottom: "none"

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Answer №2

In the comments section, Soothran mentioned that the bottom border of TableCell is what controls this. Here is one approach to customize it:

import MuiTableCell from "@material-ui/core/TableCell";

const TableCell = withStyles({
  root: {
    borderBottom: "none"

Answer №3

If you want to get rid of the border lines in a specific Table Cell, you can achieve it by using the following code snippet:

<TableCell sx={{ borderBottom: "none" }}>
  {/* ... */}

Answer №4

If you want to eliminate the border on a particular TableRow, you can achieve it by utilizing the following code snippet:

sx={{ "& td": { border: 0 } }}

Answer №5

When styling a MuiTableCell element in a table, I use the classes property to specify the root class as classes.MuiTableCell. From there, I define the MuiTableCell class with borderBottom set to "none". This effectively removes the borderBottom line from the tablecell.

Answer №6

If you want to get rid of the borders on your table:

.MyDataGrid-Class .MyDataGrid-cell {border-bottom: 0px !important;}

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