Steps to Create an HTML Text Box that cannot be clicked

Does anyone know of a way to prevent a text box from being clicked without disabling it or blocking mouse hover events?

I can't disable the text box because that would interfere with my jQuery tool tips, and blocking mouse hover events is not an option either. I haven't found a solution that addresses both issues.

Just to clarify, the user shouldn't be able to select text in the box or place the typing pointer inside it. Using labels won't work because this needs to apply to password fields as well as regular text fields.

Answer №1

Here's a simple solution:

$('#textbox').on('focus', function() {

Check out this JSFiddle

Answer №2

It's possible I may not fully grasp the query, but this solution appears viable.

<input id="notselectable" value="hello there"></input>
  document.getElementById('notselectable').addEventListener('focus', function()
  document.getElementById('notselectable').style.cursor = 'default';

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